How to make photos with a free online Canva photo collage maker

Last Updated on July 13, 2023 by Hamza


The Canva Photo Collage maker is a great way to quickly and easily create stunning visual stories with your photos. With its simple drag-and-drop interface, you must select the images you want to use and arrange them using the various available tools. You can add text, backgrounds, shapes, and borders to customize your collage further.

Custom Templates:

The best part about Canva Collage Maker is its extensive library of templates allowing anyone to create beautiful layouts in minutes. Canva makes it ideal for those who have not experienced designers or don’t have the time or money to hire a professional designer. All the templates come with pre-made grids, background options, fonts, and color palettes, so you can customize your collage to fit any theme.

Customizable Elements:

Canva Photo Collage Maker is a great choice for creating stunning collages in no time. You can create the perfect combination of photos and text with customizable elements that reflects your unique vision. You can also access Canva’s vast image library for additional elements to add to your project.

Mix and match photo finishes:

When making your photo collage stand out, Canva has some amazing features. Mix and match photo finish to give each element a unique look, and crop, resize, and refocus photos for maximum impact.

Filters & Effects:

You can also add filters and effects to give your photos an extra flair. Plus, with the background eraser tool, you can easily delete any unwanted parts from the background of your photos.

Social Sharing:

And once you’re finished, you can easily collaborate and share your work on different social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter or make Facebook posts with the Canva app. Canva makes it easy to get feedback from friends and family or quickly send a final product for approval.

Additional Features:

Canva Collage Maker also has many other features that make it stand out from the competition. It includes an image cropping tool, which allows you to adjust the size and shape of your images as needed. You can also add photo filters, such as black and white or sepia tones, to create unique looks for your photos. The option to add curved text is especially useful if you’d like to include captions or explanations with your photos in the collage. Finally, Canva provides a range of export options, including PNGs and JPGs, that are perfect for printing or sharing digitally.


With Canva Photo Collage Maker at your disposal, you can easily create stunning visuals with your photos that will impress your friends and family. Whether you’re looking to throw a party or show off your vacation photos, Canva Collage Maker is the perfect tool for creating beautiful photo collages in no time at all. Give it a try today!

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